Group Exhibition
June 29 - Aug 5, 2018
June 29, 6 - 11 p.m.
Exhibition Artists
Ralf Baecker
Nicolas Baier
Adam Basanta
Graham Caldwell
Aleksandra Domanović
Omer Fast
Ed Fornieles
Rodney Graham
Eduardo Kac
Ali Kazma
Light Society
Bernd Linterman & Nikolaus Völzow
Yang Luo
Robin Meier
Manfred Mohr
Caroline Monnet
Wang Ningde
Ugo Rondinone
Daniel Rozin
TeamVoid & Youngkak Cho
Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau
Addie Wagenknecht
Anne-James Chaton
Li alin
Projet Eva

Created in 2012, the International Digital Art Biennial (BIAN) is a major contemporary art exhibition dedicated to digital art.
The 4th edition will take place from June 29 to August 5 at Arsenal Contemporary Art Montreal. Themed AUTOMATA - Sing the Body Electric, it is inspired by Walt Whitman’s best known early work, “I Sing the Body Electric” (1855). Nowadays, “electrified” bodies interact in many more and new ways, with other bodies and with other systems. In the Anthropocene era, as the dream of augmented body becomes a reality, it is more necessary than ever before that we question our relationship with different technologies as well as their impact on nature.
For all information on the BIAN, please consult the Elektra website.
For the opening, see the link here.
Tickets also sold on site.
Regular admission: $ 25
Student and senior admission: $ 20
For the exhibition, tickets are sold on site only.
Regular admission: $ 15
Student and senior admission: $ 10
Creative Applications, by Greg J. Smith
Aug 3, 2018
The 4th edition of the International Digital Art Biennial (BIAN) wraps up this week, and per previous editions it did not lack in ambition. Drawing on the momentum built over the last six years, and – in particular – the excellent last, third edition, this BIAN was dedicated to the theme ‘AUTOMATA: Sing the Body Electric.’
Le Devoir, by Jérôme Delgado
Jul 26, 2018
La mission autour du potentiel créatif des technologies les plus avancées n’a pas changé depuis 2012. Le programme est toujours aussi touffu, les lieux de diffusion, aussi nombreux, le mariage expositions/spectacles, aussi… fastidieux.
Art in the Digital Age, by Dominique Moulon pour Art Press
Jul 18, 2018
Créée en 2012 par Alain Thibault, la Biennale Internationale d’Art Numérique (BIAN) s’inscrit dans la continuité du festival Elektra initié en 1999. Elle s’articule autour de divers lieux incluant la Société des Arts Technologiques (SAT) et l’Arsenal Art Contemporain.
Art Press
JuL 17, 2018
L’aventure de cette quatrième édition de la BIAN de Montréal se poursuit à l’Arsenal où se tient la principale exposition intitulée Automata et dont le commissariat a été confié à Peter Weibel, fondateur du Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM) de Karlsruhe en Allemagne.
Redazione Digicult
Jun, 2018
ELEKTRA showcases artists and works that fuse art and new technologies, and that are connected to current, contemporary aesthetics of research and experimentation.
Baron Mag, by Claire-Marine Beha
Jun 3, 2018
De l’art 100% digital et avant-gardiste! Toutes les informations sur la 4e édition de la Biennale (BIAN), le 19e festival Elektra ainsi que le 12e Marché international d’art numérique sur
Huff Post, by Ismaël Houdassine
May 30, 2018
Les organisateurs de la manifestation d'art numérique ont dévoilé, ce mardi 29 mai, les noms d'une première liste d'artistes qui se produiront dans le cadre de la 19e édition.